All in Recipe

India: Puran Poli

Puran Poli is a delicious flatbread stuffed with sweetened lentils. This buttery treat is a staple at Holi, and served alongside Katachi Amti, a soup with spicy notes of coconut and cilantro, created from the lentil’s cooking liquids. Although this recipe isn’t quick and easy, I can’t recommend it enough.

Czechoslovakia: Pierogies (+Machanka)

I was lucky enough to participate in Anne’s Little Christmas tradition of making pierogies and machanka. A classic Eastern European comfort food, pierogies are made with a simple dough and can be stuffed with just about anything. Paired with machanka, a thick, sour mushroom soup, these dishes are perfect for a cold winter night. To learn more about Anne’s family traditions and this comforting recipe, read the full article.

India: Butter Chicken

Reena and I made butter chicken, a creamy, spiced tomato gravy from India. While curries can be intimidating if you’ve never made them before, this dish is simple with tomato and onion as its base. All of the spices can be found in your local grocery store! You’ll want to make some basmati rice to soak up all the delicious sauce. To learn more about Reena, India, and this awesome recipe, read the full article.

Dominican Republic: Pollo Guisado con Moro

For my first article, Esther taught me how to make Pollo Guisado con Moro, a comforting dish of stewed chicken and rice from the Dominican Republic. This dish is fairly quick to make and requires only a few ingredients. This moro (rice) slathered in the sauce from the pollo guisado (chicken stew) is the perfect dish for a cold winter day. Once you see how easy it is, it’s sure to become part of your week night staples.

Armenia: Manti

I never really thought much more about Manti, (my grandmother never made it when I was growing up,) until this past spring when I was in search of new Armenian dishes to feature at Armenian Easter… I had no idea what I was missing.